Our Services

chiropractic pictureChiropractic


We take pride in our level of assessments and treatment with a team of skilled chiropractors. We will work with you to quickly diagnose and treat a wide spectrum of conditions. Chiropractors are neuromusculoskeletal specialists treating everything from back pain, headaches, shoulder, hip, knee pain and more. Our chiropractors boast several advanced certifications in concussion management and rehabilitation to medical contemporary acupuncture to name a few. We work closely with other staff members and community health care providers to ensure that you receive the best patient-centered care.

massage pictureMassage Therapy


Our registered massage therapists will work with you to achieve your therapeutic and movement goals. Although Swedish Massage is the most commonly used technique, Elite’s massage therapists offer a wide variety of hands-on techniques and treatments to meet your individual needs. Massage is also very often used as a great adjunct to care from chiropractors, physiotherapists, rehabilitation, and acupuncture to expedite your recovery.

concussion managementConcussion Management


Early intervention in concussion management has been shown to significantly improve the rate of recovery from a concussion. We provide evidence-based treatment and rehabilitation to athletes, parents, and the general population. We also work to provide education, policies and concussion protocols to local schools and sports organizations. Our evidence-based approach to treatment consists of personalized treatment plans that will include exercise therapy, manual therapy, nutritional recommendations, vision and vestibular therapy and education. It is no longer the gold standard of care to rest in a dark room!

acupuncture picture Acupuncture


Medical Acupuncture is an effective evidence-based treatment approach aimed at relieving and reducing pain, and improving muscular function and activity. Our practitioners are trained in Contemporary Medical Acupuncture which focusses on using neurofunctional and electroacupuncture as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

laser therapy pictureLaser Therapy


Our Class IV laser uses energy/light from the infrared spectrum which provides relief of minor muscle and joint pain, arthritis, muscle spasms, relieving stiffness and promoting muscle relaxation and tissue healing. The Class IV laser will help you recover from your injuries quicker by:

  • Enhancing cellular ATP production and synthesis
  • Decreasing C-Reactive Protein and Neopterin levels
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Stimulates vasodilation
  • Increases angiogenesis
  • Decreases pain and nociception

rehab picRehabilitation/Exercise Prescription


Our team will work with you to prescribe an exercise and rehabilitation program that seeks to restore muscular and joint function to various body parts and allows you to achieve your health care goals. Whether you are looking to gain mobility, strengthen a previously injured area or need a post surgical rehabilitation program which coincides with your orthopaedic surgeon’s goals we will prescribe a custom treatment plan for you.

growco prenatal and postnatal care pictureGrowCo Prenatal and Postnatal Care


We believe moms deserve more than just a 6-week checkup when it comes to recovery after childbirth, and that they can stay strong, healthy and active throughout their pregnancy. Dr. Lockwood is GrowCo certified and will help to fill that gap by providing a comprehensive postpartum checkup and progressive healing through exercise targeting the core, pelvic floor and total body. Our aim is in preventing, reducing, and/or resolving symptoms women have been made to think are an inevitable consequence of childbirth. Whether your goal is to reduce low back pain, help with incontinence or be able to return to high impact sport and are 6 weeks, 2 years or 20 years postpartum we are excited to work with you.

custom orthotics pictureCustom Orthotics


Custom Orthotics are medical devices used to correct pain or biomechanical issues within the foot, knee, hips and back. Our practitioners will complete a detailed biomechanical examination, custom casting and video gate analysis to ensure that you are fit properly.

custom bracing pictureCustom Bracing


We provide high quality custom made braces to help you function in everyday life. Whether you need an ACL brace for sports activity, or an offloading brace for severe osteoarthritis our team of practitioners can help you.

Elite Performance
& Wellness

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Contact Us

[email protected]

272 Kent St W, Lindsay, Ontario, Canada

K9V 2Z6